Diving into Last Epoch: A Personal Take on a New ARPG Gem

Hey there! So, I’ve been sinking my teeth into Last Epoch, a game that’s been making waves in the ARPG scene, and I’ve gotta say, it’s been quite the ride. Picture this: Diablo 2 and Path of Exile decide to have a brainstorming session, and Last Epoch is their brainchild. It’s a mix of familiar ARPG elements but with its own twist, making it a simpler yet fresh take on the genre.

Getting Started

classes in last epoch

One of the first things I noticed about Last Epoch is how it’s more welcoming to newcomers than other games like Path of Exile. The endgame and crafting aren’t as daunting, which is a breath of fresh air for someone who doesn’t want to spend hours studying build guides before even starting to play. The game says, “Hey, come on in, let’s have some fun,” and I’m all for that.

My Time in the Game

skill tree

After spending around 50-60 hours in Last Epoch, I can confidently say it’s a solid game. The flexibility to switch up your build without a major headache and the more straightforward approach to farming crafting materials make the gameplay engaging. It feels good to have a clear idea of what you’re farming for and where you need to go, rather than leaving everything up to random chance.

Comparing Giants

If I had to place Last Epoch in the grand scheme of ARPGs, it’d be high up there, second only to Path of Exile for me. But comparing them feels like comparing different types of fun—they each have their own flavor. Last Epoch has some cool mechanics, like dodging, which reminds me of Path of Exile, but it stands on its own as a unique game.

Path of Exile is a beast when it comes to boss fights and its intricate story. Last Epoch is still finding its feet in some areas like storytelling, but where it truly shines is in its gameplay. It’s smooth and enjoyable, and playing as a rogue has been a blast.

Looking Ahead

While Last Epoch has made a fantastic start, there’s room for growth, especially in developing its story and world. I’m optimistic about its future and believe it could become a major player in the ARPG scene.

Wrapping Up

For anyone looking for a new ARPG to dive into, I highly recommend Last Epoch. It’s welcoming for beginners but still offers plenty of depth for those looking for a challenge. Plus, it’s just fun, and at the end of the day, isn’t that what gaming’s all about?

So, what are you waiting for? There’s a new world to explore, and it’s just a few clicks away. Happy gaming.