Armored Core VI, My Opinions

This game has caught my attention. It has kept my attention. And will keep me going for the foreseeable future. The music, scenery, combat, customizable aspect, and boss fights are next-level enjoyable. Although challenging, they are doable and can be defeated with multiple builds.


I’m heavily impressed with the AI and how adaptive they are. Once you understand their movements, you can predict them for the most part with some slight deviations. I’m happy to say that you can switch up a build based on who and what you are fighting, making it a nice challenge to have enough weaponry to use and switch at a boss.

One thing that I appreciate is that you can buy and sell equipment without worry, everything bought can be sold for the same price. On the other hand, I’m a massive hoarder in-game and always prefer to have the gear on hand if I want to switch mid-checkpoint or at a boss.


Each boss has its battle style, making it fun and difficult. I enjoy having to slowly modify my build to fit the difficulty of each boss while keeping my style intact. Some bosses require heavy stagger while others require keeping your distance, each having some unique fun aspect in the game. Lots of people seem to be having issues when it comes to the difficulty of the game but refuse to change or adapt to the boss, thus making it near impossible to beat. Not everything can be beat by charging head first.


So far I’ve enjoyed Armored Core VI a ton and can’t wait to finish the game and continue with some PvP. I look forward to more games in the the future like Armored Core VI and hopefully some improvements to the multiplayer system. Catch me on YouTube each week for a live session.