Wayfinder First Impressions

Wayfinder’s Potential

My first impressions of Wayfinder is that it has potential. The game has tons to offer and it’s still in early access. The combat design is different than what I’ve seen in the past and does take a little bit to get used to playing with. I plan to get to the max level in Wayfinder and will provide more feedback and guides as I progress. Be sure to keep track of my progress on YouTube!

Just The Beginning

The Performance

At the start, Wayfinder was very laggy on my PC, it had tons of delays and issues with performance overall. The game was not smooth. I have to give credit to the team, they were able to turn it around pretty fast and fix up the gameplay, queue issues, and performance bottlenecks at a nice pace. I think there’s some room for improvement like the quest system, NPC chat and basic loading screens between zones can be very long or just completely crash the game.

The Characters

The game offers a choice of six Wayfinders to choose from. Each season will bring a new Wayfinder to the game. Wayfinder currently has a playstyle for everyone ranging from a frontline tank to a massive damage dealer. Here’s the list of the current Wayfinders to choose from:


First up is the Wingrave. Wingrave is a close combat character, specializing in supporting and defending his allies. Think Tank / Paladin, he is able to heal and keep his team alive while keeping aggro.


The second is Silo. Silo is the Tactician, he has tons of skills in his arsenal that allow him to move between melee and range combat. By definition, he’s more of a control/support style character who can deal out some nasty combos.


The third is Niss. Niss is The Shadow Dancer. Her kit is designed around being in constant movement, dodging to only attack seconds later. Timing makes all the difference with her, one small misstep could mean death. She’s designed to be a full DPS-style character pump out that damage!


Fourth on the block is Senja. Senja is The Champion. She’s a bruiser-style class that’s defined by an off-tank role that provides more defensive skill-kit than the Wingrave. She’s able to keep enemies off the team and provide an overwhelming punch.


Fifth slot we have Kyros. Kyros is The Warmage. A mage-style class that uses arcane magic to destroy his enemies. His skills are mostly AOE-style and provide huge damage output in turn. While his complexity is low, mastering him will be a challenge. Also, he uses a scythe.


The Sixth and the newest Wayfinder is Venomess. Don’t let this one fool you. She’s technically a support class that provides cover with poison damage. The poison will heal your allies and cause damage to enemies. Her poison can be stacked up to 20 times! So while more of a healing role, the damage she can cause can be quite high.

My Wayfinder impressions

niss image wayfinder

Minor Issues

To be completely honest, the game needs some minor tweaks still. My biggest issue is how the quests are not labeled on screen. There’s just a random marker, which doesn’t alway show up on the map either, where the quest is at. Sadly, if you have more than one quest active, it also doesn’t tell you which quest it is.

My next issue is with talking to the NPCs. Attempting talk to a NPC is always followed up with a small delay which inturn makes it feel clunky and non-responsive. Same thing happens when trying to turn in a quest and start the next one.

Major Success

The last couple months have greatly improved performance to where I wanted to play more in-depth. Rewards being given out have proven to be really thought out as well. They are providing a decent roadmap and creating early access events for everyone to play in. One thing that stood out to me is that any Reward Towers you purchases during a season is forever there, it doesn’t go away. This allows players to grind those rewards without risk of losing them in the future.

Although repeating dungeons can be tiring, Wayfinders has designed a fun and simple concept to provide a ever changing system. By using different materials in game, the dungeon can become harder and more challenging everytime.

What’s Next?

Next on my list is to learn more about the game and hopefully create some helpful guides and tutorials about the game for new and experience players alike. My first impressions of Wayfinder have been above average for most MMORPGs that have came out in the last year. I have some hopes for this game to shine above others in the future. If this sounds interesting be sure to check out my other articles!