Kotlin – Not Just Another Language

“Kotlin is a modern but already mature programming language aimed to make developers happier. It’s concise, safe, interoperable with Java and other languages, and provides many ways to reuse code between multiple platforms for productive programming.”


Let’s begin with a small story. I decided to pick up Kotlin when building Android applications, only to realize that it can be used for more! This led me to dive into what else I could create, such as libraries, bots, etc. With this, I made a Twitter API Library, KTweet, written in 100% Kotlin.

KTweet – Kotlin Twitter Library

KTweet took me a while to get to a spot where I felt comfortable with what I was writing. Creating an open-source library for the first time wasn’t something I took lightly. First, I learned that nothing I write would be perfect. Second, everyone is very supportive. Third, don’t underestimate yourself. Everyone has to learn, and taking the first steps is always required.

After creating KTweet, I bridged into using my library within a Discord Bot. I decided to use Diskord, a Kotlin Discord Library. Now that I have selected a library, it’s time to connect Twitter to Discord!

DisTweet – Kotlin Multiplatform Discord Bot

Here I created DisTweet, A Discord Twitter Bot. DisTweet was created to help push any messages from a specific channel from Discord to Twitter. The reasoning behind this bot was a simple one; Discord is a centralized hub of information. Everything feeds into Discord; thus, we could use this to help drive information from Discord to Twitter. Announce going live, a new video, or maybe a big announcement to tell everyone? DisTweet’s sole purpose was to help drive this to your Twitter timeline to avoid spending extra time posting it twice!

Where does the path go?

This journey of learning Kotlin has taught me a lot. Taking a chance, pushing myself past the possibility of failure, and accepting that I must fail to understand. Kotlin has tons to offer, and I’ve only touched the surface of options. Interested in my journey? Be sure to subscribe to the newsletter!

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