Unreal Engine-Android Game Part 2

For those interested in how I started, visit my previous article Unreal Engine 4 Android Game Part 1.

Unreal Engine – Spawn Point 2

The time invested to learn and build a core base was well worth it. This blog will contain what I’ve learned and a way I can share my experience.

Save Point 2

At this save point, my goal was to learn Unreal Engine Blueprint System. This started with GameInstance, GameMode and GameState. How does each of these work together and where thing’s should be used.

GameInstance is an object that lives for the length of the application. It helps keep all levels in-sync, like the score, bonus points, and health. Terminating the game will destroy the object with all data. Therefore, all necessary data should be saved.

GameMode manages the rules of the game such as start, restart and end game along with transitioning the GameState. The biggest thing to remember is the GameMode exists only on the server.

All information that players need to know should be handled by the GameState. This information should be specific to all players, not individual players. All clients and the server have a copy of the GameState, while the server only has the GameMode.

Save Point 3

My next save point was to understand the Unreal Engine Actor class. These included Player Objects (Controller, Character and State).

First, the PlayerController handles the player’s actions, inputs and interface or HUD. The object is stored on the client machine and replicated to the server. However, other client’s don’t have access to this object. This handles the interface between the Player and the Pawn it’s controlling.

Second, a Character or a Pawn is the response to what the Controller’s input and stats of the player’s character. A Character isn’t persisted, this means, any data or stats this character uses will be reset when destroyed and spawn. Therefore, you are responsible to figure out where thing’s are saved or destroyed.

Third, a PlayerState is how each player will be able to see each other. This object exists on the server and all clients that are connected. It provides information around each player’s information like score. However, PlayerState doesn’t get reloaded. In addition, it provides a static way to keep personal data.

Save Point 4

My final save point was to add new visuals, music and proper navigation between levels.

First, I worked on new UMG designs. Creating a main menu, a game HUD and an game over-score HUD. These designs were focus around a Tron / Sci-fi style look with a slightly glow. In addition, I added music to the menu and game levels. Interested in finding free sound effects or game music? Visit Looperman or Freesound. Make sure to give credit where credit is due!

Main Menu - HUD
Game HUD
End Score HUD

Second, the background needed to pull you in, kind of like a dark hole. I searched around and found an asset pack, Warp Effect. The asset is pretty solid and importing it was relativity easy.

Game background - Warp Effect

Third, the player needed the ability to leave or exit the game and be to mute the music. Here I created three textures, mute, unmute and a back arrow. The transition between levels was important, and I was able to learn about Events and Level Streaming through this tutorial, Loading Screen.

Back Button
Volume On
Volume Off

Finally, I put the whole game together and finalized the design for the game. The game concept is to “click” as many stars as possible, while keeping a look out for the Red star as that will provide a nice little bonus.

Unreal Engine UMG
Main Menu
Unreal Engine UMG
Actual Game
Unreal Engine UMG

Unreal Engine – Final Spawn Point

In summary, I used this game to help grow my understanding over the Unreal Engine and Android. My knowledge of the game engine has grown and I can only gain more experience as I continue down this path.

Stay updated by subscribing to my website. In addition, I will be sharing my experience and knowledge as I grow.

The game is in testing and available to everyone in the Google Play Store, Join Here.